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Michael B. platinum sugar cube necklace with five stations of three cubes and 3.0ctw of full cut diamonds. This piece is available using from 1 to as many cubes as you like. Tapered end cubes are also available.
Michael B.: 04P3

Sugar Cube Diamond
Michael B single acorn necklace with 6 sugar cubes. This necklace is made in platinum and has .42ctw of full cut diamonds.
Michael B.: 07P3

Michael B Platinum
Beautiful Michael B platinum acorn necklace.  There are 3 sets of *acorns*  and 4 sugar cubes.  This necklace is made with 97 diamonds for a total of 1.07ctw.  Check for current pricing.
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Michael B.: 09P3

Handmade Michael B Acorn necklace
Michael B single acorn necklace on a collier chain.  This necklace is platinum and there is .32ctw of diamonds.
Michael B.: 08P3

single acorn necklace on a collier chain
Michael B. platinum acorn with sugar cubes and .76ctw of full cut diamonds.
Michael B.: 03P3

Michael B Platinum
Michael B platinum Acorn Clasp necklace on a collier chain set with .96ctw of full cut diamonds.
Michael B.: 12P3

Michael B platinum Acorn Clasp necklace on a collier ...

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